SAI GRACE Retreat 6–7th August 2016

Om Sai Ram dear Brothers and Sisters in Sai

It was indeed a blessed time we all spent at the Sai Grace Retreat on the 6th and 7th of August 2016.

The Ashram and the gardens were glowing with joy to welcome Swami’s children, whilst the Temple and the whole house were vibrating with prayers and veda chanting.

The proceedings started each day with bhajans in the Temple, where every devotee could sing to the Lord. After Bhajans Swami’s golden chair was taken into the garden and placed under the big Ash tree, where the devotees had a picnic.

After their picnic, little groups sat having satsang, whilst others relaxed under the trees.

At 3 pm Rev Leonora gave a very inspiring talk, about how events can get distorted from the truth. She demonstrated this by a game called Chinese Whispers, where she whispered a sentence to the first devotee in the circle and by the time it ended up at the last person, the sentence was radically changed.



Rev Leonora made a point that we should never repeat a story or event, unless we had experienced it first hand or spoken to a person who had.

Swami used to always say: “Come and experience for yourself and then form your opinion”.

At 4 p.m. tea and amazing home-made cakes were served and Swami’s cup of tea was brought to His bedroom as per daily ritual at Sai Grace.

At 5 p.m. Sister Sonja Venturi and Brother Sergio Vigagni started their musical offering to our Swami and His devotees.

The setting was under the huge Ash tree with the magnificent fields surrounding Sai Grace in the background.

The beautifully sung mantras and bhajans permeated the country side, saturating it with peace and blessings.

At 6.15 p.m. prasad dinner was served.

The devotees enjoyed staying watching the sun set over Sai’s UK Ashram, before departing for their own homes, with tears in their eyes and gratitude in their hearts.

On the last evening, Swami left His blessing on an orchid plant in His bedroom by His chair, filling it with fresh, divine vibhooti.



